Ōwairaka Community Club offers social and creative opportunities for people with lived experience of mental health issues/tangata
whai i te ora, in a culturally supportive space.

What some people have said about their experience at Owairaka Club.

“…I would encourage anybody who is struggling through each day to come and see how it may meet that need.”

“Pretty good people there, they're straight up. It's helped me be creative, helped me to believe in myself…”

“…I have found it a relaxing and comforting place to go to.
It has been a bit of a relief.”

“…So many people are struggling, but Mt Albert Club provides a loving family atmosphere”

“…I have re-met many old friends at the club and made more than a dozen new friends…”

Whakatauaki:  “He iti Pioke nō Rangaunuhe au tōna.”
While Sand Shark is small they create a strong current.
— Quote Source